Past tense regular verbs with -ed endings影片

看影片學英語_過去式 (過去式動詞規則的變化+ed)



例  I cleaned the room last weekend. 我上週末打掃房間。

She watched TV last night. 她昨晚在看電視。

They  played basketball yesterday. 他們昨天打籃球。

13 意見:

60114 Kevin 提到...

I went to the museum yesterday morning.我昨天早上去了博物館。
They read a book last night.他們在昨天晚上讀書。
We rode bicycle last weekend.我們在上個周末騎腳踏車。

60109 sean 提到...

I cleaned the room last weekend. 我上週末打掃房間。

She watched TV last night. 她昨晚在看電視。

They played basketball yesterday. 他們昨天打籃球。

60132 Kitty 提到...

I watched TV yesterday.我昨天看了電視。
My mother cooked dinner last night.我媽媽昨天晚上煮了晚餐。
My father cleaned the room yesterday morning.我爸爸昨天早上整理了房間。

6124 Anita 提到...

I played table tennis yesterday. 我昨天打桌球。
She listened music last night.她昨天晚上聽音。
He used computer last weekend. 他週末打電腦。

匿名 提到...

6102 Bryan
we cleaned the room last weekend.我們上週末打掃房間。

I watched TV last night. 我昨晚在看電視。

They played basketball yesterday. 他們昨天打籃球。

匿名 提到...


They cleaned the room last week. 他們上週打掃房間。
We watched TV last Sunday. 我們上星期日在看電視。
I played computer last night. 我昨玩在玩電腦。

6130 vicky 提到...

I watched TV yesterday.我昨天看了電視。
I used computer last weekend. 他週末打電腦。
I cleaned the room last weekend. 我上週末打掃房間。

6104 Evan 提到...

We played computer last weekend. 我們上週末在玩電腦。
He watched TV last night. 他昨晚在看電視。
I cleaned the room last month. 我上個月打掃房間。

60114 Kevin 提到...

He fixed his car last morning.他在昨天早上修車。
She mopped the floor last week.她在上個星期拖地。
I watched TV this morning.我在今天早上看電視。

6128peggy 提到...

I watched TV last week.
My mom watered the flowers yesterday.
My sister played the video game last weekend.

匿名 提到...

6108 Marx
I cleaned the room yesterday. 我昨天在打掃房間
I watched TV last month. 我上個月在看電視
I used computer last night.我昨晚在打電腦

6101 Gary 提到...

I played Chinese chess last week.
She went to the movie last night.
They studied together yesterdsy.

陳惠慈 提到...

He watched TV yesterday.他昨晚在看電視.
I played table tennis last night.我昨晚打桌球.
She cleaned the room last month.她上個月清理房間.


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